Common operations CLI WordPress commands



This is a list that I will be updating of the most common operations I perform with WordPress CLI. What is WP CLI? It is the execution of WordPress commands in a console.

Reasons for using WordPress CLI


Why use WordPress CLI? Using the command line is usually done is because there are certain operations that can take a long time and over the web would not be possible due to the time-out.

This happens especially on web pages with thousands of posts and when there are image operations.

List of CLI WordPress Commands


Database backup

wp db export

User management: creation and listing


Useful when you have console access, but have not yet been given WordPress access. It’s happened to us more than once


wp user create davidperez --role=administrator

Official documentation: wp user create

List users:

wp user list

Official documentation: wp user list

Importing XML content


Importing entries with XML with wp import. EYE use export before so that it also includes featured images with this plugin.

wp import example.wordpress.2016-06-21.xml --authors=create

Regenerate thumbnail images

wp media regenerate

Official documentation: wp media regenerate

Delete blog posts before a date

wp post delete $(wp post list --post_type='post' --date_query='before=2021-01-01' --format=ids)
wp post list --post_type='post' --before="2021-01-01T00:00:00:00"
wp post list --before="2020-12-31T00:00:00:00"

Make a user Super admin

wp super-admin add closemarketing

Change password to a user

wp user update USER --user_pass=###

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