A WordPress Multisite<\/strong> is an installation that shares the same files, and generates different tables according to the different installations and therefore shares functionalities between them. <\/p>\n\n\n\n
It is a very smart<\/strong> solution for certain needs such as multi-language sites (like this one), multi-country, division of functionalities to make the main site less cumbersome.\n\n\n\n
This is because we can create\/install plugins for our different installations. It may happen that we activate an entire online store on a subsite in order to maintain maximum performance on the main portal. This type of installation usually occurs in very large sites<\/strong>. <\/p>\n\n\n\n
This guide is a compilation of different sites to be able to install the multisite with the two configurations: subdomains and subfolders.<\/strong> The subdomains option can also be used in the multidomain configuration. It will only be necessary once a subdomain has been created, to change its address to the final one.<\/p>